Augusto Cuginotti
His ability to connect systems and people is crucial to his work in preparing and conducting changing processes in the face of complex situations.
Having lived in five countries and conducted work in English, Spanish and Portuguese, Augusto has shown a unique ability to ask solid and meaningful questions that helped organisations in all sectors like L'Óreal, Allianz, Coca-Cola, Richemont, Greenpeace, Conservation International, Goi Peace Foundation, UNESCO, Brazil's Ministry of Finance and the Government of Catalunya, Spain.

Business Entrepreneur
As an entrepreneur, Augusto contributed to advancing a consulting business in Latin America, and its expansion to Europe, he co-founded a group that designed innovative leadership programs and partnerships that impacted +300 top leaders in his native Brazil. He also co-founded a network of people around learning communities in collaboration with UNESCO and coordinated a national dialogue consultation about the country's future.
Learning on the Field
In Academia, Augusto studied Organisation Systemic Intervention at Universidad de Chile, a Master's in strategic leadership in Sweden and learning processes in Brazil. He is currently pursuing a Masters in Change from INSEAD.
He had the privilege to learn from renowned teachers in organisational change at institutions like the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in the UK and the Weatherhead School of Management in Cleveland, OH.
He is a certified ontological coach from Newfield Network Chile and a collaborator to the Springer publication "Facilitating Sustainable Innovation through Collaboration".
Augusto is a former World Café Community Foundation board member and a 20-year practitioner of the Art of Hosting.
Some quotes of people I've worked with.

"He is an excellent facilitator, and also has an extraordinary capacity to understand and work with systems thinking."
"He has outstanding abilities for facilitating complex situations and for participatory processes."

"Augusto asks great questions, which makes it easy to learn while working with him."
"Augusto is a very experienced group facilitator and coach. His technical knowledge is high and his human skills are outstanding."

During his journey, he studied group processes at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, a Master's in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability and ontological coaching at Newfield Network Chile.
Augusto worked in Summerhill, the oldest free school in the world. He participated in and organised training and workshops about conscious leadership, appreciative inquiry, the art of hosting and other participatory practices in Latin America, Europe and Asia.