First Step First
“It was my destiny to join in a great experience. Having had the good fortune to belong to the League, I was permitted to participate in a unique journey…”
This is August 1st… in less than 3 weeks I’m starting my Journey to the North in a search for the Home of Light, in a search for Service. Something like our hero and Leo in Herman Hesse’s book, this journey starts with the first step.
By the end of August I’ll be joining a group of colleagues in a Master’s course on Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability… a study period, but for me also a retreat to connect my today and tomorrow.
Step by step the journey will be translated into questions and discoveries and I invite you to join me on that search. This would be a great opportunity to see how my questions evolve and to receive input from all my friends from around the world.
Today I’m exploring the connections between social innovation and sustainability, bringing my interests on leadership development and social change together with studies of how to be most effective in an intervention so social systems about to emerge can find their way into our world. Barbaricly humble.
“This expedition to the East was not only mine and now; this procession of believers and disciples had always and incessantly been moving towards the East towards the Home of Light. Throughout the centuries it had been on the way towards light and wonder, and each member, each group, indeed our whole host and its great pilgrimage, was only a wave in the eternal stream of human beings, of the eternal striving of the human sprit towards the East, towards Home.”