Strategy for Sustainability
“Don’t fool yourself: only through a lot of work one can achieve simplicity.”
Clarice Lispector
To tell a new story about our relationship with the world we require both a mindchange about this connection and also simplicity that shows the clarity of this new moment. The mindchange has been happening, but there’s a lack of simplicity on the story we tell that prevents it to become universal.
Even though I haven’t being connected to the area of sustainability for a long time, it’s clear to me that both consciousness and real action are taking place and are, compared to the last twenty years, growing strongly. The understanding and actions towards sustainable development are well known stories and successful implemented projects. And they are in many parts of the world.
The question now is shifting from knowing those islands of actions and knowledge to get to know how the system of global mindchange can be uplifted. What is the strategy that we need?
The strategic step towards consolidation of this new story ceases to be the work of getting more critical mass and it is now about consolidate old connections around a story that is more complete and more simple.
It is divergence between people already sensitized on this issue what prevents a universal story to be told. It’s not about convincing people who have not yet got in contact with the subject.
And why does this happen? Based on anxiety to do the right thing quickly, the leadership – the storytellers – go deep into their models, sketches of the system, like someone who goes into grammar just too deep and looses the meaning of the story.
Then what? We should put more energy to align with people already working on our team, share meaning so the story we are telling reflects the mindchange that is so intuitive to us, but that also needs to be absolutely clear to all people.