
Can We Create Order in the World?

It is undeniable that we transform the world and create order On a first-order observation of human intervention, we transform materials from…

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Observant-Dependant Social World

There has been some discussion about the world being complex in all instances or if we could consider some things simple. Most…

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Stop Storytelling your Organisational Culture

Think about your company’s culture. You have a good idea of what you would like to see differently, but can you identify what needs to be changed? If you do, you might as well fix it, but it’s likely a bit more complex than that. Instead of storytelling, we first want to storylistening….

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Sociopoiesis — The Evolution of Social Systems Theory

  As I was reading and preparing to explore how social systems have evolved in paradigms over time, I’ve heard that Professor…

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Clubhouse: Social Network to Market or Consume

I joined the Clubhouse this week. The strategy is to keep scaling the business and let people join by invitation. If you’re…

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by lugar a dudas cali @ flickr

The Power of The Collaboratory

[av_dropcap1]W[/av_dropcap1]hen we look at what is happening at the world, complexity seems to be climbing the mountain. I wouldn’t say there are…

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