
The Experience of Learning | Why You Should Be Less Productive and Stay More Present

We are in the productivity era. The work seems to be finding a way to get things done better, faster and simpler….

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Authority, Power and Experience

What is the connection between Authority, Power and Experience? When we have authority on a topic, we have more power to influence…

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In Our Work with Groups

You and the Collective Just out on another day of hosting a group of people doing their business in collaboration. When things…

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image by garlandcannon

We are made of stories

I’ve heard that we are made of stories, not atoms. We study in school how we are made both in biology and…

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by lugar a dudas cali @ flickr

The Power of The Collaboratory

[av_dropcap1]W[/av_dropcap1]hen we look at what is happening at the world, complexity seems to be climbing the mountain. I wouldn’t say there are…

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by Joe Penniston

On Being at Service

Being at service to ourselves, to others or a cause is a personal offer that requires some attention and energy. It is…

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from ashtarcommandcrew.net

Participatory Meetings with a Clear Purpose

Restlessness. When things tingle inside me asking to happen. Big restless moments can be a sign of change that can cause anxiety,…

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picture by jurvetson

Allow for Unlearning Structures

It makes sense that structure invites certain behaviours. Stepping into a room of a traditional school and in a space with round tables will feel different, trigger different memories and open (or close) possibilities in people’s heads….

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from djkidfresh.wordpress.com

Learning For Sale

The most valuable things don’t have a place to hang a price tag. Learning is not only about… Educational institutions work in…

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