
Can We Create Order in the World?
It is undeniable that we transform the world and create order On a first-order observation of human intervention, we transform materials from…

Observant-Dependant Social World
There has been some discussion about the world being complex in all instances or if we could consider some things simple. Most…

Intention and Concern – Why Re-Interpret Stories and Not Change Mindsets
Let’s make a new distinction together. We’ll look at ourselves as human beings acting in the world and ask what is behind…

Reality Bias: How Our Tendency to Simplify Causes Us to Miss Out
We all tend as human beings to generate a coherent explanation of events that simplify reality to reduce anxiety and allow decision-making…

Another Set of Data for Complex Systems: Why Knowing Reality is Not Enough
The world’s reality might be a significant constraint, but it is not enough to clarify what is going on.
The reason is that we don’t see the world as it is but see it as we are. And although I believe the world eventually catches up with our illusions, this does not bring clarity but chaos. Even so, this eventual clarity does not come within a workable timeline, and it might be too late to change….

Mastering Emotions in the Workplace: How to Pay Attention to What You’re Feeling and Make Moves Based on That
Many of us have been taught that being emotional is like being out of control. And since control and predictability are vital…

The Magic of Language: How We Use Words to Make Things Happen
People get excited about things we cannot explain, that look a bit magical and sometimes esoteric, but there is so much in our daily interactions that are taken for granted and if we look closer there is a lot of value. The way we are able to use language as human beings to make things happen together is one of those things. …

How Much Participation Should We Have to Decide This?
The decision-makers biggest mistake is not understanding the decision-making process they should use in a specific situation. Every decision has different characteristics,…

Building Trust in Society and your Organisation
Why is Building Trust Important? Trust is a social construct that provides a measure of security, a way we can cope with…

Diversity in Personality: Learning, Inclusion and Pseudo-Science
It has been more than a decade that I host the same workshop on personality dynamics. Together with my work with Diversity…