Augusto Cuginotti


Nos Separamos das Nossas Crianças

Tive muitas conversas interessantes com os queridos anfitriões de um recente encontro na Eslovênia. Juntei-me a uma vila de aprendizado, uma semana…

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Recomendado: A Educação Proibida

A Educação Proibida (em castelhano com legendas em português) traz reflexões sobre as instituições educacionais atuais e as abordagens e alternativas em…

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from ethanmcgrath.blogspot

On Diversity, Resilience and the Growth of Anxiety

Society can become more resilient from environmental changes if its elements can respond better to its perturbations. The ability to listen to…

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by Jason A. Samfield

Coalitions and Change in our Systems

We also explored the role of listening with attention from within so we can identify the cracks in the system that might lead to change. The cracks would be the people and places where we invest our energy….

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from hateandanger.wordpress

More Poetic Communications

In this type of systems, not knowing is the rule. Instead of applying known models and repetitions, the work is to listen for the way things connect differently and name it. Poetic communications is used here in the sense of using language to author the world, of “innovating” by naming the unknown….

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by pierre pouliquin

Poetic Communications

Poetic communications are not part of the subsystems of society. They do not solve business problems or issues of law; they do not grant you a diploma either. Although they are still bound by the way we communicate, they hold less constraints in the directions they can unfold….

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by PhOtOnQuAnTiQuE

The Stupid Company or the Myth of Collective Intelligence?

People in organisations will always learn, but the only way learning can influence structures and communications in designed systems is if we hold spaces to re-design and co-design….

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Teus filhos não são teus filhos

A versão curta de minha explicação sobre Summerhill é: um lugar onde as crianças podem ser elas mesmas. Quando crianças já temos…

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by ioneelev8

Confiança nos Grupos e em Espaços de Aprendizagem

A confiança é determinante nas ações de pessoas dividindo um espaço intencional de aprendizagem. Confiança esta que será gerada tanto entre as pessoas de um grupo como em na percepção de cada indivíduo sobre si mesmo. …

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On How Society Loves to Predict, but It’s All Invented

It is very easy to get caught in the idea that society can predict things that will happen. Stories we tell in…

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